Course curriculum
Meeting Schedule
Set your meeting time
Getting Started
Document The Entire Startup Concept
Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation - Brainstorming
Market Segmentation - Narrow
Market Types & Positioning
Market Types & Positioning
How to determine your market type
Market Type Quiz
Decide which market type you fit into best
Positioning based on market type
A Note on Competition
Positioning in an existing market
Positioning In An Existing Market You Want To Resegment
Positioning in a new market
Market Size
Market Size
Market Size Quiz
Early Adopters
Create a Written Sense of Your Market Size
Create a Written Sense of Your Market Size (New Markets Only)
Business Model Canvas
Creating your hypotheses
Examples of hypotheses
Vital Point: A Note On hypotheses
Value Proposition Hypothesis
Value Proposition 1 Hypothesis
Product Vision
Create And Describe Your Long Term Product Strategy
Put Together A Short Narrative In Bullet Points About Your Product Strategy
Product Features & Benefits
What Problem Or Need Are You Solving?
Create A Product Features List & Product Benefits List
User Stories
MVP Quiz
Describe Your Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
Craft Your Value Proposition Hypothesis & Write A One Page Briefing About The Details
Customer Segments Hypothesis
Customer Segments Hypothesis
Overview of who your earlyvangelists are
Customer Archetypes
Customer Archetypes Quiz
Create Your Earlyvangelists Archetype
Create Your User Profile
Customer Types
Customer Types Quiz
A Day in the Life of the Customer
Draw The Projected Day In The Life Of Your Customer
Where to Find them
Draw The Organizational Customer Influence Maps
Craft your Customer Segment Hypothesis and describe why
Notes on Primary Market Research
Customer Relationship Hypothesis
Customer Relationship Hypothesis
Get Customers
Customer Acquisition Tactics to Test
Your Content & Strategy
Create The Content You Will Use For The MVP To Get Customers
Build a ‘get customers’ spending spreadsheet
Create Your ‘Get Customers’ Hypothesis
Keep Customers
Keep Customers Quiz
Simple retention tests to consider
Monitor specific retention metrics
Build A ‘Keep Customers’ Spending Spreadsheet
Create Your ‘Keep Customers’ Hypothesis
Grow Customers
Getting them to spend more
Get customers to send more customer to the company
Build A ‘Grow Customers’ Spending Spreadsheet
Create Your ‘Grow Customers’ Hypothesis
Create Your Customer Relationship Hypothesis
Channel Hypothesis
Channel Hypothesis
Channel Hypothesis Quiz
Channel Choices
Choosing which channels to use
Create Your Channel Hypothesis
Key Resources Hypothesis
Key Resources Hypothesis
Types Of Resources
Common Pitfall
Describe All Key Resources, Costs And How They Will Be Acquired
Create Your Key Resources Hypothesis
Partners Hypothesis
Partners Hypothesis
List Your Target Partners, Their Contributions & What You Offer In Return
Create Your Partnership Hypothesis
Revenue & Pricing Hypothesis
Revenue & Pricing Hypothesis
Questions You Need To Address For Revenue & Pricing Hypothesis
Vital Point
Two More Revenue Issues to Consider
Create Your Revenue & Pricing Hypothesis
Wrapping Up Customer Discovery Phase 1
Look over the following hypotheses and extract the following information to complete this section
Completing the Hypothesis Development Process
Pricing & Hypothesis Quiz