Course curriculum
How to use Project Founders
Initial Assessment
Some Information To Get Started
Startup Assessment
Schedule Initial Strategy Session
What exactly is a startup?
Customer Discovery & Customer Validation
What you’ll be focusing on
Your Market
Overview of MVPs
Search Mode
Overview of Customer Discovery Phases
Why is this bad advice?
Relentless execution without knowing what to execute is a crime.
The 9 deadly sins
Assuming you know what the customer wants
The ‘I know what features to build’ Flaw
Focus on launch date
Emphasis on execution instead of hypotheses, testing, learning & iteration
Traditional business models presume no trial and no errors
Confusing traditional job titles with what a startup needs to accomplish
Sales & Marketing execute to a plan
Presumption of success leads to premature scaling
Management by crisis leads to a death spiral
Rules to follow
There are no facts inside the building
Pair customer development with agile development
Failure is an integral part of the search
Make continuations and pivots
No business plan survives the first contact with customers so use a business model canvas
Design experiments and test to validate your hypotheses
Agree on market type, it changes everything
Startup metrics differ from those in existing companies
Fast decision making, cycle time, speed and tempo
It’s all about passion
Startup job titles are very different from a large company’s
Preserve all cash until needed. Then spend.
Communicate and share learning
Customer development success begins with buy in
What not to do
Lessons to Understand
A startup is NOT a small version of a large company.
There are winners & losers as founders
Red flags to look out for
Why can’t customer discovery be delegated?
The differences between market type strategies
Tracking & Money
Things that startups should be measuring to track their progress
Financial tracking metrics for startups
Speed of iterations on your experiments
Briefing on earlyvangelists, MVPs & Business Model Canvas
Characteristics of your earlyvangelists
Business model canvases
Overview of the phases in Customer Discovery
Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.
Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs
Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs
Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs